Welcome to our first Moston Monthly of 2024, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our very first iNSIDER covering the Facilities Management sector. This edition is packed with…

  • Technological Advancements
  • Recruitment Insights
  • Salary and Day Rate benchmarking
  • Sustainability Overview
  • Regulatory Compliance/Standards Update
  • Impact of Global Trends and Economic Factors
  • Resources and Engagement

The FM iNSIDER - 2024

We are thrilled to present this insightful document, crafted to enlighten and inspire FM professionals and enthusiasts alike. We hope you enjoy!


In an era where global warming and carbon emissions are under the spotlight, Facilities Management (FM) emerges as a pivotal player in the battle against climate change. With buildings and construction accounting for nearly 40% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, the role of FM in mitigating these emissions is more critical than ever.

The Carbon Conundrum in Facilities Management

FM has a substantial footprint on the environment, primarily through the energy consumed for heating, cooling, lighting, and other operations in buildings. The task at hand for facility managers encompasses not just adhering to operational goals but also aligning with broader environmental targets, thus contributing to a sustainable and resilient built environment.

Striding Towards Net Zero

As the global community sets ambitious Net Zero targets, FM is at the heart of making this transformative journey. Through strategies like enhancing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy, promoting clean transportation, and advocating for waste reduction, facility managers will be orchestrating a shift towards low-carbon operations.

Unlocking Sustainability

Facility managers are unlocking the doors to sustainability by embracing innovative practices. The journey towards Net Zero requires a comprehensive, strategic approach, marrying cost-effective solutions with sustainable practices. The roadmap includes retrofitting buildings with energy-efficient systems, leveraging smart building technology, and engaging occupants in energy-saving behaviours, among others.

A Partner in Your Green Journey

As a recruitment company specialising in Facilities Management, we are your allies in this green voyage. Our expertise lies in connecting organisations with proficient facility management professionals, who are well-versed in navigating the complex landscape of sustainability. Through our network, we aim to accelerate the transition towards a greener, more sustainable future.


The spotlight is now on Facilities Management, showcasing its indispensable role in steering the ship towards a greener future. With the right blend of expertise, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts, achieving Net Zero is within arm’s reach. If you’re a facility management professional eager to make a significant impact or an organisation on the lookout for green solutions, we’re here to bridge that gap. Reach out to us, and let’s co-create a sustainable future together.

As we approach 2024, Facilities Management (FM) is undergoing a metamorphosis, driven by an array of technological, regulatory, and economic forces. This article delves into the pivotal trends and statistics that are steering the FM sector towards a horizon laden with innovation and sustainable practices, all while navigating the inherent challenges of the contemporary UK market landscape.

The Financial Landscape:

The UK Facility Management Market is projected to ascend from USD 68.16 billion in 2023 to USD 73.97 billion by 2028, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 1.65% during this period. Despite a buoyant growth rate of 4.8% in 2022 and a predicted growth of 5.1% in 2023, cost pressures driven by inflation remain a concern for both clients and providers within the FM industry.

Technological Pioneering:

Technology is a linchpin in the evolution of FM within the UK. Innovations encompassing new business models, emerging value propositions, and creative service offerings are the hallmarks of this transformation. Particularly, the expansive use of technology to achieve performance targets signifies a major shift in operational paradigms.

Sustainable Endeavours:

The fusion of sustainability with operational strategies is a prominent trend. Facilities managers are now more inclined towards integrating ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting and sustainability metrics into their operational frameworks, echoing a broader societal and regulatory impetus towards sustainable business practices.

Operational Efficacy:

The core of FM lies in ensuring the functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency of facilities. A judicious blend of in-house and outsourced FM services, segregated into hard and soft FM services, forms the operational backbone. Hard FM services encompass building, HVAC, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services, while soft FM services include cleaning, landscaping, and security, among others.

Outsourcing and Integrated Facilities Management (IFM):

Outsourcing has burgeoned, with several regions witnessing outsourcing surpassing 50% of the total FM market. The gravitation towards Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) epitomises a holistic approach, streamlining management, and improving performance across various operational domains, from real estate and energy management to production maintenance and employee services.

Regulatory Adherence:

Increasing building regulations, especially around environmental standards, are propelling facilities managers to align their operations with compliance benchmarks. This is emblematic of a broader commitment towards fostering environmentally compliant and sustainable facilities.

Skill Augmentation:

The rapid technological advancements underscore the necessity for continuous skill development. Proficiency in using modern communication tools, operating, and maintaining modern machines is imperative for navigating the complex technological landscape inherent in modern FM practices.


The roadmap for Facilities Management in the UK as we segue into 2024 is marked by a conscientious embrace of technological innovation, sustainability, and a balanced approach to resource allocation and operational efficiency. Amidst a dynamic regulatory and economic milieu, steering the FM sector with a forward-looking, innovative, and sustainable lens is not merely a strategic choice, but a business imperative.

How we can help:

As we traverse through the evolving landscape of Facilities Management, the significance of having adept, innovative, and forward-thinking professionals has never been more crucial. At Moston, we excel in connecting organisations with a cadre of highly skilled Facilities Management professionals who are poised to navigate the complexities of the modern FM sector.

Whether you’re seeking to augment your team with proficient Facilities Management talent or exploring new career horizons within the FM sector, we are here to facilitate a seamless, rewarding, and impactful recruitment journey.

Discover how we can propel your Facilities Management objectives to new pinnacles of success. Connect with our dedicated FM recruitment specialists today and let’s script the next chapter of your FM success story together.

Facilities management has long been an industry underpinned by human expertise. Those working within the sector know the value of experience when it comes to predicting issues, maintaining infrastructure, and ensuring a building runs smoothly. However, with the rapid advancement of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), the way we approach facilities management is shifting. The question arises: how can we strike the right balance between human intuition and machine intelligence?

The Power of AI in Facilities Management

The promise of AI in facilities management is extensive. AI-driven systems can:

  1. Predict Maintenance Needs: By analysing data from various sensors, AI can predict when a piece of equipment might fail or when a part might need replacement, enabling proactive maintenance.
  2. Enhance Energy Efficiency: Through monitoring and analysing energy consumption patterns, AI can recommend adjustments to optimise energy use, thus leading to cost savings.
  3. Improve Safety and Security: AI can assist in monitoring CCTV feeds, identifying potential security breaches or safety hazards faster than a human could.

The Value of Human Expertise

While AI offers valuable capabilities, it’s crucial to remember the irreplaceable qualities that humans bring to the table:

  1. Intuition and Experience: No amount of data can replace the intuitive insights gained from years of hands-on experience.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: Humans can understand the morale and emotional state of a building’s occupants, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed.
  3. Flexibility in Decision-Making: Humans can adapt quickly in unpredictable situations, making nuanced decisions based on a blend of instinct, experience, and data.

Finding the Perfect Balance

Blending AI and human expertise in facilities management is less about replacement and more about augmentation. Here are some strategies for achieving this:

  1. Training and Upskilling: Ensure that the facilities management team has access to training on the latest AI tools. This empowers them to make informed decisions using technology as an ally.
  2. Hybrid Monitoring Systems: Implement systems that leverage AI for real-time data analysis but have human experts review and make final decisions, especially in critical areas.
  3. Encourage Collaboration: Create an environment where tech experts and facilities managers work closely, exchanging knowledge and insights. This ensures that AI solutions are tailored to real-world challenges.


Facilities management, at its core, is about ensuring optimal functioning and well-being within a space. While AI can offer powerful tools to predict, analyse, and optimise, it’s the human touch, intuition, and experience that make a facility feel right. Embracing both AI and human expertise is not just beneficial but necessary in the evolving landscape of facilities management.

Are you seeking top talent in facilities management who can navigate this delicate balance between technology and intuition? Moston specialises in Facilities Management recruitment, connecting your business with professionals who understand the synergy between human expertise and AI. Reach out to Moston today, and let’s shape the future of facilities management together.

The Facilities Management (FM) sector is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by technological innovations like Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Digital Twins. These technologies are revolutionising how FM teams operate, offering new opportunities for remote support, cost efficiencies, and scalability. In this article, we delve into the potential impact of AR, AI, IoT, and Digital Twins in the FM sector.

Augmented Reality (AR): Enhancing Remote Support

AR is bridging the physical and digital worlds, enabling FM teams to:

• Remote Support: Engineers can wear AR glasses or utilise AR-equipped mobile devices to access real-time information, schematics, and guidance whilst performing maintenance tasks. This reduces the need for on-site visits, saving time and expenses.

• Training and Onboarding: AR facilitates immersive training experiences, allowing new engineers to learn intricate equipment maintenance procedures in a virtual environment.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Driving Cost Efficiencies

AI is revolutionising predictive maintenance and operational efficiency in FM:

• Predictive Maintenance: AI algorithms analyse data from IoT sensors to predict equipment failures before they occur. This minimises downtime, reduces repair expenses, and extends the lifespan of assets.

• Energy Management: AI optimises energy consumption by analysing historical data and real-time sensor inputs. It adjusts HVAC and lighting systems for energy efficiency without compromising comfort.

Internet of Things (IoT): Real-Time Monitoring and Control

IoT sensors are deployed across facilities to:

• Real-Time Monitoring: Sensors collect data on equipment performance, occupancy, temperature, and more. This data is used to make informed decisions and react to issues promptly.

• Maintenance Alerts: IoT-enabled devices send alerts when equipment requires maintenance, allowing FM teams to address issues proactively.

Digital Twins: Scalability and Simulation

Digital Twins are virtual replicas of physical assets, offering:

• Scalability: FM teams can manage multiple sites from a centralised digital twin platform. This scalability enhances consistency and control across a portfolio of properties.

• Simulation: Digital Twins simulate the impact of changes or upgrades, helping FM teams make informed decisions about facility modifications.

Success Stories: Real-World Impact

  1. Schneider Electric in a commercial building, where IoT sensors embedded in HVAC systems were used for predictive maintenance. This implementation led to a reduction in maintenance expenses by up to 40% and increased equipment uptime by 9%.
  2. Vicomtech, a tech centre in Spain, where a digital twin solution was implemented in a manufacturing process. The solution integrated an ERP system, a Manufacturing Execution System (MES), a conveyor, a remote-controlled robot, and a High-Performance Computer (HPC) for data storage, showcasing a practical application of digital twin technology in facilities management.

Conclusion: Embracing Technological Advancements

The fusion of AR, AI, IoT, and Digital Twins is reshaping the FM sector. FM teams that embrace these technologies gain a competitive advantage by improving remote support, driving cost efficiencies, and achieving scalability. As a recruitment firm specialising in FM, we recognise the importance of sourcing talent with expertise in these transformative technologies.

If you’re seeking professionals adept in AR, AI, IoT, or Digital Twins for your FM team, get in touch with us today. Together, we can propel your organisation into the future of Facilities Management, where innovation and efficiency reign supreme. Embrace technology and unlock the full potential of your facilities.